Manual Iveco 75

TECHNICAL PUBLISHING Iveco Technical Publications Lungo Stura Lazio, 15 10156 Torino (TO) — Italy Produced by: ”This docum ent provid es data,characterist ics, instru ctionsand method ology to perform repair interventio ns on the vehicle and its components. An yh ow, th is do cu me nt is ad dr es se d to qu ali fie d and sp ecia lis ed per son nel. Ive co com merc ial and ass ist anc e network personnel as well as all Iveco authorised points of assis tance are specif ically qualified and equipp ed to perform the repair interventions that are indicated in this document. Before performing any intervention, check to have available the document relating to the vehicle model on which the intervention is being performed and also make sure that all acc iden t pre vent ion dev ices, suc h as, as a roug h gui de, gog gles, helm et, glo ves, sho es, as well as wor k too ling, lift ing and transport tooling, etc., are available and efficient, and further ma ke su re th at th e ve hi cl e is pu t su ch a wa y th at an intervention can be made in safety conditions.

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Making interventions strictly observing the indications given here, as well as usi ng sp ecif ic too ling indic ate d, ass ures a correct repair intervention, execution timing observance and operators’ safety. Each repair intervention must be finalised to the recovery of func tio nali ty, effi cie ncy and saf ety con dit ion s tha t are pro vid ed by Iveco. Ea ch in ter ve nti on, on th e veh ic le, th at is fin al is ed to a modification, alteration or else, which is not authorised by Iveco, involves the exclusion of any responsibility for Iveco, an d, in pa rt icu la r, wh ere th e ve hic le is co ve red by a gu ar an te e, each such intervention involves an immediate lapse of the guarantee. Responsibility for Iveco in repair intervention execution is excluded. Ive co is ava ilab le to pro vid e all clar ific ati ons nece ssa ry to mak e interventions, as well as to provide indications in cases and situations not included in this document. Data and informa tion contain ed in this docum ent could result not to be updated owing to modifications made by Iveco at any moment for technical or commercial reasons, or because of the need to adapt the vehicle to law requirements in different countries.


In the case of a differen ce between what contained here and wha t act uall y foun d on the vehi cle, ple ase con tac t Ive co network before making any intervention.” The data contained in this publication might fail to reflect the latest changes which the Manufacturer may introduce at any time, for technical or sales purposes, or to meet the requirements of local legislation. Copy, even partial, of text and drawings is forbidden. Publication Edited by: IVECO S.p.A. Customer Service Lungo Stura Lazio, 15 10156 Torino (TO) — Italy Printed. Manuals for repairs are split into Sections, each one of which is marked by a numeral; the content s of these sectio ns are indica ted in the general table of contents. Each section is generally dedicated to a main Unit (e.g.: engine, gearbox, electric system, etc.). Sections with mechanical contents include technical data, tightening torque collections, tool lists, connections — disconnections of units to/from the vehicle, overhauls at the bench and relating troubleshoot ing.

Manual iveco 2012

Iveco 75e15 Manual

On the electric/electronic system section there are the descriptions of the electric network and vehicle electronic systems, electric schem es, component s electric characterist ics, compone nts codes and troubl eshooti ng relating to the central units specific of the electric system. The manual uses proper symbols in its descriptions; the purpose of these symbols is to classify contained information. In particular, there have been defined a set of symbols to classify warnings and a set for assistance operations.