Spirit Airlines Flight Attendant Manual

[f1393c] - Spirit Airlines Flight Attendant Manual eBooks Spirit Airlines Flight Attendant Manual is available in formats such as PDF, DOC and ePUB which you can directly download and save in in.

Spirit airlines flight attendant jobs

Heyyyyy Guyyyys! I am so sorry that I took so long to get back with you but I didn't have access to a. I did go to the interview on Fri (and I saw Brian by the way but I didn't get to say hi to him) and my interview went well. They were going to hire me but the spanish lady whom I interviewed with checked and said that they would not be able to offer me employment at this time because I had interviewed for the position with Spirit back in november.

Apparently that was less than 6 months ago. Soooo, she encouraged me to interview again in 6 months time.

I will be there. Then it will only be my 6th time at Spitit headquarters.

That's all, only 6 times. So what I am going to do in the mean time is persue my dreams still and apply for a service position with another to work out of ft. Lauderdale and then in September, I will apply to Spirit again. I love you guys and I missed chatting with you all over the past 3 days.

I needed the encouragement though. Lanelle said: No I dont have her email. I am worried about her as well I hope all is well with her.

How's everything going? I am so stinking excited for you.

Has it sunk in yet that you are officially a SPIRIT? Just wait till you get your wings girl. Then you'll be even more excited. As you can see from what I wrote earlier, I didn't get hired because I wrote on my application that I interviewed for another position with Spirit less than 6 months ago (awwww) but I won't give up. I'm applying to other airlines in the meantime then when 6 months are up, I'll be right back there in Miramar.

Please keep in touch and let us all know how everything is going for you ok? Natasha Guevara in Pompano Beach, Florida said: HEY LANELLE! How's everything going?

I am so stinking excited for you. Has it sunk in yet that you are officially a SPIRIT? Just wait till you get your wings girl.

Then you'll be even more excited. As you can see from what I wrote earlier, I didn't get hired because I wrote on my application that I interviewed for another position with Spirit less than 6 months ago (awwww) but I won't give up. I'm applying to other airlines in the meantime then when 6 months are up, I'll be right back there in Miramar. Please keep in touch and let us all know how everything is going for you ok? Natasha dont give up come back in 6 months I would love to fly with you!!! No it still has not sunk in much I met Bryan today and his wife they are supper nice actually everyone I have met at Spirit is super nice people and I am so excited and I am praying for the best for the rest of you!!! Keep in touch.

Barbara in Fort Lauderdale, Florida said: Natasha,so did tell you in the spot that you were not going to be hired, i still dont understand why they told me they were calling me on thursday so you are trying in 6 month,well you know the questions,and is going to be easy for you this time,you will make it take care and keep in touch I will keep in touch Barb and you do the same please. Don'y worry, Spirit will contact you by phone or email to let you know why they did not hire you on the spot. And no matter what the reason is, if this is something that you really want don't give up. Show back up in Mirimar in 6 months time and try again. I wish you the best best best of luck in whatever you do and don't be discouraged at all. Keep us all posted on your successes.

Spirit airlines flight attendant salary

Brian Rountree in Fort Lauderdale, Florida said: Their open houses are by invitation only so fill out their application online. If the timing is right, they have been known to call people back the same day for an invitation. They are lots of flight attendants this year so good luck.

Donna I filled out application and three days later was invited to a open house interview and it was a week from the day they sent it I then got hired on spot so you should apply they are hiring and everyone is very nice. Johnny in Tampa, Florida said: I just got done with my training class02-08 I failed my final by two points and have to go thru the process all over again but it is well worth it for those of you who are just starting out i wish you the best and study hard. I will be in the class starting in sept so for those of you who didn't make this time around during interviews don't give up and try again.

Spirit Airline Flight Attendant Interview

Can you please let me know what they tested you on on the 1st day. Is it just the codes or is everything in the training manual that they give u on the 1st day? Thax I just want to make sure I am well prepared and study the most important stuff for the test the most.

Flight Attendant For Spirit Airlines

Hey everyone. I see that the new hires are working hard at studying and I think that it's great. Although I have never worked for an as a fa, I do know all of the information that you will be tested on. How do I know? Because I went to for travel/tourism & management where we had to study ALL of the codes, learn the sabre & apollo system and many many other things. It is tuff but you will get it. Some tips to help.

Group all of the airport codes that begin with the same letters together. This will be more effective during studying in learning the different codes.

Spirit Airlines Flight Attendant Manual

I wish all of you good luck and keep us posted. Natasha Guevara in Fort Lauderdale, Florida said: Hey everyone. I see that the new hires are working hard at studying and I think that it's great. Although I have never worked for an as a fa, I do know all of the information that you will be tested on. How do I know? Because I went to for travel/tourism & management where we had to study ALL of the codes, learn the sabre & apollo system and many many other things. It is tuff but you will get it.

Some tips to help. Group all of the airport codes that begin with the same letters together. This will be more effective during studying in learning the different codes. I wish all of you good luck and keep us posted. Yah the airport codes were actually much easier to learn then I thought they would be.

I already know them all by heart. What I did is I made flash cards and went over the harder ones that I didn't already know or that I couldn't easily remember over and over. I am more worried about the other abbrevations they gave us in the packet, because there are like 87 of them (which I have also madeflash cards for). Do you think they are going to test us on all of them on the 1st day?