Prayer Study Guide Kenneth Hagin

“Step number four to receiving answered prayer is guard against every evil thought that comes into your mind to try to make you doubt God’s Word. Thoughts are governed by observation, association, and teaching. So this step is closely associated with step number three.

  1. Prayer Study Guide Kenneth Hagin Sermons
  2. Prayer Bible Study Guide Kenneth Hagin
Prayer study guide kenneth hagin sermonsPrayer study guide by kenneth hagin

The Bible says we are to cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. That’s why you should stay away from all places and things that do not support your affirmation that God has answered your prayer. Your thoughts are governed and affected by observations, associations, and teaching. That means that sometimes you will have to stay away from the kind of churches that can put more unbelief in you than anything else. Also, be sure to enjoy fellowship with those who contribute to your faith. 2 CORINTHIANS 10:5 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

PHILIPPIANS 4:8 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are OF GOOD REPORT; if there be ANY VIRTUE, and if there be ANY PRAISE, think on these things. The Bible tells us in Philippians exactly what to think on. Many people are thinking on the wrong things, and they’re defeated in life as a result.

But if you will guard against every evil thought and think only on those things which affirm that God has heard and answered your prayers, you will be cooperating with God in faith. You will have to guard your mind in order to develop in faith. And as you stand your ground firm in faith, your faith will see you through to victory.” ― Kenneth E.

“Doubt is from the devil. You have to resist doubts and rebuke them. You have to get your mind on the answer — on God’s Word. In order to receive answers to your prayers, you must eradicate every image, suggestion, vision, dream, impression, feeling, and all thoughts that do not contribute to your faith and that do not affirm that you have what you have asked God for. The word “eradicate” means to uproot or remove. Remember, Satan moves in the sense realm, in the natural realm, and he uses the tool of suggestion.” ― Kenneth E.

“In Chapter One, I discussed four of the seven steps to answered prayer. The four steps already covered are as follows: 1.Decide what you want from God and find the scripture or scriptures that definitely promise you these things. 2.Ask God for the things you want and believe that you receive them. 3.Let every thought and desire affirm that you have what you asked for. 4.Guard against every evil thought that comes into your mind to try to make you doubt God’s Word. Step Number Five: Meditate on God’s Promises Step number five to receiving answered prayer is meditate constantly on the promises upon which you based the answer to your prayer.

In other words, you must see yourself in possession of what you’ve asked for and make plans accordingly as if it were already a reality. PROVERBS 4:20-22 20 My son, ATTEND TO MY WORDS; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

Faith Bible Study Guide. Kenneth E Hagin. How Faith Comes – Part 1. Faith in The Prayer of Agreement.... The Bible Prayer Study Course discusses many principles of prayer found in the Word of God.

21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. God said, “My son, attend to my words.” (Prov. God will make His Word good in your life if you’ll act on it.” ― Kenneth E. “In order to fight the good fight of faith, you must learn how to use the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Fighting the good fight of faith is speaking the Word out of your mouth that you believe in your heart or your spirit. That’s why it’s important to hide the Word of God in your heart and be ready to use scriptures against demons when they try to attack you and try to make you doubt God’s Word.

Be ready to say to Satan, “It is written” and to quote God’s Word, which is God’s will, about the situation. There will be many who will side in with the devil and believe his lies over God’s Word. And there are also folks who, in the natural, will unconsciously side in with the devil to try to discourage you in spiritual things, in your faith. But stand your ground on God’s Word if the enemy attacks you in spirit, soul, or body.” ― Kenneth E. “Why do I say that? Because if you are expecting just prayer to do it, it won’t work. It’s exercising faith in God’s Word that makes prayer work.

To expect prayer itself to do the job is the same as expecting your physical hand to unlock a car door; it can’t do it by itself. You have to have the key to unlock the door.

And in prayer you have to have faith in the Name of Jesus and in the Word of God in order to get the job done. The Name of Jesus is our key. I think sometimes we think we can move God with our tears and our prayers and our fasting. But God doesn’t ever change. He’s always the same (Mal. God moves when you come to Him according” ― Kenneth E.

Prayer Study Guide Kenneth Hagin Sermons

“My mother told me that when she knew I was traveling, she would pray that the Lord would be with me. I would finish a meeting in California and then travel straight through until I got home. She would just stay awake worrying, waiting for the telephone to ring, announcing bad news. I told her that she was wasting her time, that she might as well not pray if she was going to keep on worrying. She would pray that God would protect me, and then she would stay awake worrying. That’s the way many people act when they pray.

But worry can hinder you from receiving answers to prayers. Worry can stop God from being able to move on your behalf. Thank God, prayer means more than that. John 16:24 says, “. Ask, and ye SHALL RECEIVE, that your joy may be full.” When you pray in faith, according to God’s Word, you are full of joy and rejoicing even before the answer materializes because you know God heard you.

You have His Word for it.” ― Kenneth E. “The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it.” I’m not interested in what this or that church believes. I’m interested in what the Bible says. I’m not interested in church creeds or church doctrines.

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I’m interested in what the Bible says. If God’s Word says He hears and answers prayer, and if that Word doesn’t depart from before your eyes, then you’re bound to see yourself with the things you asked for. If you don’t see yourself with the things you desire, then God’s Word has departed from before your eyes.

If you don’t stand by the Word, although God wants to stand by you, He can’t, because the only way God works is through His Word. Remember, God only works and moves in line with His Word.

Kenneth hagin prayer study guide

He has bound Himself by His Word. He has magnified His Word above His Name (Ps. 138:2).” ― Kenneth E. “Too few Christians realize the importance of the Word of God in prayer. We know that faith begins where the will of God is known. And we know that God’s Word is His will.

So find scriptures that definitely promise the things you are asking for. If the Scriptures don’t promise you the things you are desiring, you don’t have any business praying for those things. And you shouldn’t want anything that the Word of God says you shouldn’t have. Many believers are trying to pray beyond their faith. But it’s the Word that gives you faith.” ― Kenneth E.

Prayer Bible Study Guide Kenneth Hagin

Tracie Peterson is an award-winning, best-selling author of over 95 books. Having given her heart to Jesus at the young age of six, Tracie has always felt called to some form of ministry, and writing fulfills that mission field. Tracie Peterson is both prolific and much-loved. She is the winner of multiple awards, including the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for 2007 Inspirational Fiction, the 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award from American Christian Fiction Writers, and USA 'Best Books 2011' Awards for best Religious Fiction. Her newest book, In Times Gone By, is Book 3 in the Golden Gate Secrets Series and releases this month.