Focus T25 Food Guide

July 12, 2013 Everything You Need to Know About T25 Nutrition. Get it Done and See Results!

The beauty of the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide is, it’s SMART! We’ve seen this with all the Beachbody nutrition guides that come with the programs, they’re geared to make whichever workout it’s paired with work for you.


The beauty of the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide is, it’s SMART! We’ve seen this with all the Beachbody nutrition guides that come with the programs, they’re geared to make whichever workout it’s paired with work for you. They are set up so you can’t fail, unless you just don’t try. So let’s examine what’s makes the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide so easy to follow. Focus T25 Nutrition Guide Basics T he whole goal of the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide is to “get it done!” This workout program was designed for those of you who don’t have time.

Time is the one commodity that we cannot afford to waste, but we end up wasting the most of. So if you’re committed to a smart 25 minute a day workout regimen, what sense would it make to not have a nutrition guide that was just as simple and quick? Get it done is just that. It’s simple and it’s easy and fast. Before you read anymore, right now, I want you to Stop Counting Calories! While the guide gives you 2 options (we’ll get into that in a minute) of what your daily caloric intake is, you don’t need to be stressed about counting every single little calorie you put in your mouth, unless you’re one of those people who thrive on that and you have a check list for every detail of your life have at it. But I know I hate counting calories, so I don’t.

What I do, is make sure that the calories I consume are the right kind of calories. This guide definitely helps out with that. What’s in the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide? The table of contents reads like a 1st grade Dr. Seuss book, it’s very simple:.

Overview / The 4 Step Calorie Quiz (more below on this). Suggested Calories Per Meal. Want More Customization?. Nutrition Troubleshooting.

25 “Keep It Real” Foods. Recipes That’s it! The whole thing you can glimpse through in 5 minutes and start to get it. Now maybe you think that’s too simplistic, but I’ll remind you, if you bought this program time is an issue.

Are you really going to spend hours researching diet and nutrition tips? Why would you when you have a team of very smart “nutrition experts” that have done this for a long time and work with everyone from athletes to stay-at-home-moms; and know what they’re presenting to you and how to make it work? T25 Nutrition Calorie Intake This is where the T25 Nutrition plan or any plan can screw people up, but have no fear, it’s simple and easy. On page 6 of the guide, there is a very simple 4 step calorie quiz that you take. Be prepared, it’ll take some time about 15 seconds!

Based on your score, either 3 or 4+ you will go with either the 1,200 calorie day plan or the 1,600 calorie day plan. Also keep in mind that those are negotiable. We see people get into programs and feel like they have to nail it at exactly 1200 calories. Again I’ll say, don’t be so hard on yourself to the point of making it too difficult; you won’t stick with it if you do. What you might find is that during your workouts, you feel really tired or lacking the energy needed to make it through the workout, or you might find yourself really dragging at the end of the dayif that’s the case, you need to play with those numbers a little. Try adding 100 calories or so a day and see what happens until you find your sweet spot. Same could apply in the opposite direction, you may find yourself needing to back off 100 calories.

Don’t be too attached to the numbers. If you’re eating the right kind of foods, your body will tell you when it’s working. The Calorie plans are broken down into 5 meals/snacks a day, with a caloric value on each one, so you’ll know when and what to eat and how much, depending on whether you’re in the 1,200 or the 1,600 calorie plan. These are suggestions and guidelines, but you don’t want to starve yourself all day and then eat a 1,200 calorie dinner.

Good luck with that. The T25 Nutrition Guide Offers Customization I have to say this was really cool. Say you have a lot of body fat to lose, then you’ll focus more on the recipes that are marked with a “P”. Homelite super xl repair manual. Those are the are the meals with a higher protein percentage.

Maybe you’re just trying to shed a few pounds, you’ll focus more on the meals that are marked with a “C”. These meals have a higher carbohydrate percentage so that you can have more energy during your workouts and less risk of plateauing. Troubleshooting This is where I struggle and I have a feeling you may too:. if you struggle with temptations or cravings, answer for that. want a boost before your workout, answer for that. hungry at bedtime, answer for that.

starving all the time, answer for that (I kinda gave you that one earlier) Focus T25 “Keep It Real” Foods I LOVED THIS PART! I’m a visual person, not a bookworm.


In addition to the T25 Recipes, this is a list of 25 foods that you can carry around with you on your phone as a picture or a list, that you can always use to fall back on. It’s your “safety net” so to speak.


When in doubt, grab this list! Again, keep it simple! T25 Recipes I’ll be the first to say, I’m not a cook. My wife will attest to that. But with the T25 Recipes, it consist of 25 recipes with 5 ingredients and only 5 minutes to prepHELLO?!?

Even I can do these. Finally, I can bring something to the table, literally. Remember when making the recipes, go organic when possible. I’ve known Shaun for years and I know how picky he is about this part, so do what you can. One little tip I got from Shaun, sweet potatoes are your friend, amazing food and great source of carbs. They are loaded with what your body needs from a nutritional standpoint. I knew this about Shaun before I saw him on Dr.

Oz praising this amazing food. So if you like them, love them more! If you want to see more on this, check out our You Tube video where he talks about it. In Summary That’s it, simple. If you decide to do this program, we’ll support you and help you in any way possible.

We have amazing Focus T25 Challenge Groups that are there for accountability via Facebook and YouTube, etc. How we do this?

We have local Fit Clubs here locally in Charlotte and in other cities that we can plug you into for that face to face interaction. If you would like more information on anything you’ve read or Focus T25 in general, feel free to us today.

Which Beachbody Nutrition Plan is right for you? Well, they’re designed to work with whatever workout program you’re doing, so if you’re doing a program, use the accompanying diet plan outlined in the guide. For instance, doing? Follow the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan.

You’re a “special case”? Maybe you’re doing a on (BOD). Or you sprinkle Beachbody workouts into your fitness regime along with other activities like,. Or maybe you’re just a stone-cold rebel and you want to pick your own darn plan!

If that’s the case, that opens things up a bit, so if you’re in the market for a nutrition plan, here are some of our greatest hits — and you can find them all on. These plans are all built around Beachbody’s, an easy, effortless way to eat the right amount of food — and to get results.

If you want to do one of these plans and you don’t already have the containers,. If you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all Beachbody nutrition program, this is your first stop. Teaches you how to use our for any workout program, then keeps the party going with for dressings, (yep, you read that right), kitchen basics, and seasonings.

Also, keep in mind that you can use the choose-your-own-workout calorie calculator with many of the guides listed below. 21 Day Fix Eating Plan This is a perfect container-based plan for anyone just getting started. Is a relatively “relaxed” nutrition plan that even allows for treats and alcohol. But if you want to dial up the intensity, it includes the “3 Day Quick Fix,” a more challenging 72-hour plan designed for temporary weight loss for a special occasion. Is this diet plan for me? If you’re looking for a simple way to ease yourself into healthy eating, the is the plan for you. 21 Day Fix EXTREME Eating Plan follows the same basic structure as 21 Day Fix, but it tightens the reins considerably.

There are two eating plans included in this guide: EXTREME and Countdown to Competition. In the EXTREME Eating Plan, gone are the treats and alcohol and the food lists are more restrictive. The Countdown to Competition Plan becomes even more spartan, mimicking the plan Autumn Calabrese uses leading up to major fitness competitions. Is this diet plan for me? If you prefer a super-clean diet, the is a good long-term solution.

However, Countdown to Competition should only be used temporarily. Vegan Fix Eating Plan It’s the — only! For this eating plan, we’ve shuffled the container system around to give non-meat eaters access to more protein, specifically by dividing grains and legumes, to help you get more complete protein without eating soy 24/7. Also, obviously, all animal products have been removed. Is this diet plan for me? Whether you’re a committed vegan looking to lose weight or you’re but aren’t sure how, this is a plan worth investigating. You don’t need the containers to do these plans — but if you want to use them, the plans can easily be converted.

Body Beast The Eating Plan is an old-school bodybuilder’s high-calorie diet — but with an upgrade. It shows you how to eat those massive amounts (all the way up to 5,000 calories!) with healthy, nourishing foods, including recipes and the legendary “Beast-O-Matic” shakes. There are three phases to Body Beast: Build, Bulk, and Beast. The help you put on mass and the reduces calories so you “shred” body fat and accentuate all the muscle gains you’ve made.

The plan also includes “Mass” and “Ripped” calorie options, depending on how huge you want to get. (There is a third calorie option for those looking to focus more on losing weight.) Is this diet plan for me? The is ideal if you’re doing a serious mass-building program and you’re looking to “get swole.” 22 Minute Hard Corps This is the ultimate “just tell me what to eat” guide.

The Nutrition Field Guide doesn’t just tell you what to eat daily, it also details what to eat at every meal. The nutrition plan also offers some for those new to cooking, walking you through everything from to how to cook white fish. There’s also a nifty guide for to food. Is this diet plan for me? The is perfect if you’re looking for specific, simple instructions on how to eat. CORE DE FORCE The Eating Plan includes a few performance-boosting modifications to aid your transformation.

Calories fluctuate as you progress to ward off plateaus. Healthy recipes (based on Joel and Jericho’s favorites) are designed to give you energy for your workouts or to assist in recovery. Is this diet plan for me? The is great if you want to start experimenting with fluctuating your calories. CIZE What makes the Eat Up! Plan unique is the Meal Builder, a series of mix-and-match charts that show you how to make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to suit your tastes — including,.

Is this diet plan for me? If you’re looking for a clean-eating plan with a culinary edge and you want some help building customized meals, the!

Plan is for you. YOUv2 Enough with counting calories! ’s Keep It Super Simple (K.I.S.S.) Meal Guide hardly mentions them. Instead, you’ll incrementally improve your diet over four weeks by replacing meals with healthy, easy recipes. In week one, you replace snacks with.

In week two, you’ll continue to drink Shakeology and replace your old breakfast with healthy breakfast choices like those found in the guide, and so on. By week four, you’ll have easily transitioned into eating a healthy diet — and you’re feeling great. Is this diet plan for me? Even if you’d like a more structured plan, there are still some great recipes here worth checking out. SHIFT SHOP You need to be tough to get the most out of the Simple Shift Nutrition Guide.

Over three weeks, you progressively eliminate starchy foods and legumes, eventually getting your carbs almost entirely from veggies and fruit. You also reduce your carbs to about 30 percent and increase protein to about 40 percent. It’s not at ketogenic diet levels, but it’s still a great way to test yourself, learn about your body’s relationship with carbohydrates, and focus on getting the job done. Is this diet plan for me? If you’re into the whole perseverance thing,.

PiYo The Get Lean Eating Plan is one of our most stripped-down plans. It doesn’t include recipes or other extras, but has simple directions for how to eat from a series of healthy food lists. Is this diet plan for me?

If you want a super-basic, quick-to-grasp plan, try this one. P90X and P90X2 The is a classic and still a great way to get results if you’re doing longer, tough workouts. Because bulking up isn’t the primary goal, the P90X Nutrition Plan flips the Body Beast script, focusing initially on weight loss. Then, it transitions into a performance diet. The P90X Nutrition Plan works either with its own portion system or with a detailed menu plan of recipes for 90 days of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.

The Nutrition Plan follows the same basic structure, but includes new recipes, as well as vegan and grain-free modifications. Is this diet plan for me? Although not one of our simpler eating plans, the is a great way to learn about performance-based eating.

P90X3 reimagines the P90X Nutrition Plan with a focus on flexibility. This includes lifestyle (vegan, vegetarian, grain-free); calorie level; and food measurement (specific or guesstimate). It’s also heavy on the nutritional education. Is this diet plan for me?

Focus T25 Food Guide

This is an ideal plan for those who already have a general idea of what their body needs and want help honing that. FOCUS T25 Like the 21 Day Fix EXTREME Eating Plan, the operative word for the Get It Done Nutrition Guide is “spartan.” The FOCUS T25 Get It Done Nutrition Guide has two brackets: 1,200 calories and 1,600 calories.

While meal choices are all balanced, some lean toward protein and others lean toward carbs. Choose the meals that best suit your goals. Is this diet plan for me? This is a good guide if you’re looking for something low-calorie that allows you to experiment with your carb and protein levels.